Hercules Hold World Record 2020 with the legend Mark Felix, We go on an exclusive look behind the scenes at Europes Strongest Man 2020 as he smashes his own world record on the Hercules hold again!
The Beast Eddie Hall becomes the first man to deadlift 500kg, setting a new deadlift world record 500 kg (1102lbs), at Europes Strongest Man / World Deadlift Championship 9th July 2016, in front of a crowd of 10,000 people at the First Direct Arena — this is how to deadlift!
See all the deadlift lifts at the World Deadlift Championship event, which saw 4 deadlift world records at youtu.be/mHHMqZYDzfk
The Beast Eddie Hall Deadlift World Record 500kg (1102lbs) — Includes Full Aftermath!!!
The video shows the build up and the full aftermath for the 500 kg world record deadlift, which still remains today the current world record deadlift on a standard Olympic bar with standard sized Olympic weight plates.
The Beast Eddie Hall deadlifted 463kg in Europes Strongest man the year before in 2015, see youtu.be/C7z7lWiFtgc, to take the deadlift world record from Benedickt Magnusson.
Then in The World Deadlift Championship in 2016, at Europes Strongest Man, The Beast Eddie Hall lifted a new world record deadlift of 465kg (1025lbs) doing it as a speed rep!!! See youtu.be/8wpTiXj37MU
The 465kg (1025lbs) world record deadlift set by The Beast Eddie Hall was equalled on the night by Jerry Pritchett and Benedikt Magnusson, see Benedikt Magnussons 465kg world record deadlift at youtu.be/3irNbVFB8rg, but both men couldnt lift the big 500kg deadlift which The Beast Eddie Hall managed, to set yet another new world record deadlift outright. See Benedikt Magnusson 500kg world record deadlift attempt at youtu.be/hfDyLXIvn3o.
Now back to The Beast Eddie Hall deadlift world record 500kg, It was a great lift Eddie The Beast Hall, but the celebration afterwards wasnt as good as my personal best deadlift, the dancing deadlift youtu.be/jPf6kRV12TE!
See below for more deadlift and strongman videos from Europes Strongest Man / World Deadlift Championships: — Europes Strongest Man / World Deadlift Championship 2015: — Mark Felix deadlift 400kg (882lbs) — youtu.be/1qjKwoYSgWs
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