Я себя знаю! Тимати x Азамат Мусагалиев

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«Я себя знаю!» — это псевдоинтеллектуальная псевдовикторина, в которой Азамат Мусагалиев попытается найти и задать селебам вопросы о них, на которые они не смогут ответить. Зачем? Да специально, чтобы за каждый неправильный ответ услышать от звезды отвратительный факт из её биографии.

Гость: Тимати!

Тимати: www.instagram.com/timatiofficial/channel/?hl=en
Азамат Мусагалиев: instagram.com/azabraza1984

По вопросам рекламы: musagaliev@mediumquality.ru

Я не ел сладкое в течение 30 дней

Мой месяц без сахара не был вынужденным, я сделал это из интереса, проверить свою зависимость и узнать новое в процессе. Не есть сладкое было не так сложно, как я ожидал, но результаты эксперимента, как обычно, вылезли из неожиданных ракурсов.

Instagram — www.instagram.com/vovauser/
Музыка из видео — bit.ly/2PZRRfM

Привет, меня зовут Вова Романченко. Я обожаю создавать контент и занимаюсь этим с 2014 года. На этом канала я объединяю свою любовь к видео и самую близкую для меня тему — мою жизнь. Я не считаю себя и свою жизнь чем-то уникальным, поэтому видео не состоят целиком из её пересказа, а призваны приносить вам пользу и, возможно, вдохновлять.

Жизнь в Северной Корее / Шокирующие Подробности о Чем Все Молчат

Северная Корея — самая закрытая и загадочная в мире страна. О жизни там ходят самые разные слухи, от большинства из которых нормального человека бросит в дрожь. Местные жители стоически терпят все тяготы и никогда не жалуются на незавидную судьбу. В стране процветает бедность, однако местные журналисты превозносят заслуги нынешнего лидера и благодарят его за счастливую жизнь. Как же на самом деле складывается быт в так называемом «государстве-изгое» и почему местным женщинам не позавидуешь? Я решил собрать наиболее шокирующие факты.

00:01 Северная Корея — самая закрытая и загадочная в мире страна
00:44 Журналисты в Северной Корее
02:09 Дикие правила для туристов в Северная Корея
02:40 Беженцы Северной Кореи
04:40 Как живут в Северной Корее
06:04 Женщины в Северной Корее
08:27 Браки в Северной Корее

Мой второй канал РЕНАТ ГУГЛОВ: goo.gl/Dhx8G6

Подпишись на Гитара это Просто: goo.gl/kto81p





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For copyright matters please contact us at: urenata.ru@gmail.com

Видео выходят каждый день!

По всем вопросам: urenata.ru@gmail.com

Спасибо за просмотр! Для всех желающих помочь проекту: кошелек Яндекс 41001982898042, Вэб мани R124109441510




Невероятные истории:




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Увлекательно и полезно: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNlw2gvucpmC1wwODvdmqEAR4bNSEl6hb

Слабонервным НЕ СМОТРЕТЬ! www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNlw2gvucpmCOqlltgA6y8cXTNmMimLEK


Профессор ГУГЛОВ — это познавательные, увлекательные и образовательные ролики на самые интересные темы от интересных фактов до лайфхаков. Подписывайся на канал и будь первым кто увидит популярные видео от Профессора ГУГЛОВА

Подписывайтесь на канал, ставьте лайки, комментируйте, каждое Ваше действие приближает меня к выпуску нового видео!!!

Монах ШАОЛИНЯ против Тхэквондо | реальный бой

ytimg.preload(https://r3---sn-axq7sn7z.googlevideo.com/generate_204);ytimg.preload(https://r3---sn-axq7sn7z.googlevideo.com/generate_204?conn2);Монах ШАОЛИНЯ против Тхэквондо | реальный бой — YouTube<link rel=«alternate» type=«application/json oembed» href=«www.youtube.com/oembed?format=json


Я давно не видел подобного поведения и отношения к людям от сотрудников полиции.
Леонов Евгений Сергеевич явно с атрофированным мозгом в пользу мышечной массы со своим напарником Ткаченко Артёмом Олеговичем издевается над человеком в курортной зоне Украины
Канал автора видео — www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkBjIYF-s3s
в instagram — www.instagram.com/roadbogeyman/
в facebook — www.facebook.com/roadboogeyman
— Для коммерческих запросов: ivitskarik@gmail.com

8 ХУДШИХ СМЕРТЕЙ НА СМЕРТНЫХ ПРИГОВОРАХ «выколол себе глаза думал, что не расстреляют»

Подпишись: www.vk.com/mafia_films

Олег Алкаев — Бывший начальник СИЗО № 1 в Минске. 1996-2001 — руководитель команды, исполняющей смертные приговоры.

Круглые Плечи! Секреты Линдовера и Чарльза Гласса

Мышцы.рф рекомендует спортивное питание Rocket Nutrition: rocketnutrition.ru

В этом видео Станислав Линдовер расскажет об его совместной тренировке со знаменитым тренером, Чарльзом Глассом. Вы увидите интересные упражнения и советы по тренировке мышц плеч.

Станислав Линдовер — www.instagram.com/lindoverstas
Снято в клубе: Fresh Fitness

Новые интересные упражнения от Станислава Линдовера, которые помогут вам сделать рывок в своих тренировках плеч!

Подписка на канал: goo.gl/pZ8OG
Наша группа ВК: vk.com/musclerussia

На канале Мышцы.рф вы увидите разнообразные фитнес видео и бесплатные программы тренировок по фитнесу и бодибилдингу. Опытные тренера нашего канала покажут правильную технику выполнения упражнений, дадут советы по набору мышечной массы, а так же снижению лишнего веса.

Lat “Non-Responder” Solution (LATS WON’T GROW!)

Grow bigger wider lats with one routine

Having lats that don’t respond to normal training and resist growth is actually pretty common. The reason for this however is pretty straight forward and not so difficult to fix. In this video, I show you the most common reason for lats that won’t get wider or bigger and give you ways to fix that with one simple exercise. In fact, this is one back exercise that you are likely doing in every back workout you do already.

The one armed row showcases exactly why you probably aren’t getting your lats to respond. Most of the time, we perform this back exercise incorrectly which leads to more back thickness being developed and less back width. In search of the added width, we seek out other exercises that spread our arms out over our heads (as in pullups) but still don’t get the results we are looking for. That is because the solution was not what exercise you did but how you did the ones you were doing.

With the one armed row, you need to do two very important things if you want to maximally affect the lats. First, you must keep your upper arm tight to your body as you pull through each rep. Your elbow must stay tucked to your side in an adducted position. This is not the most comfortable thing to do however, as you are likely to feel an intense contraction if you aren’t used to performing your reps this way.

But that is just the beginning. In fact, beyond just the position of the elbow in relation to the torso you also must limit that amount that the elbow bends if you want to force more lat spread. The tendency is to let the elbow bend a lot as you pull but this is because you are recruiting extra help from the biceps to help you lift the weight up. Good for your biceps but bad for your lat recruitment.

Back to the position of the elbow, realize that as it tracks away from your body almost perpendicular to the torso you are shifting the majority of the work to the traps, rear delts and rhomboids. Again, this is not a bad thing if you are trying to build more back density and thickness. When looking for back width however and that elusive V Taper, you are going to get it from training the lats and to do this the elbow must stay tight to your side.

The move you are trying to accomplish is very similar to the straight armed pushdown. This move allows you to get your elbows tight to your sides while getting the upper arm to pass behind your body into extension. You should feel as if you are mimicking the same motion as you pull with an arc and limit elbow flexion on the row variation I show you here.

For more advanced tips to help you get those stubborn muscles to grow, head to athleanx.com and get the TNT series workouts. Each one of these programs is designed to help you to kick start the growth you are seeing in your must stubborn muscles groups. The best part is that each of them integrates directly with the ATHLEAN-X Training System as well.

For more videos on how to get wider lats and back workouts for a wider back, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at youtube.com/user/jdcav24

5 Exercise Swaps You NEED to Make (RIGHT NOW!!)

Pick your program here — athleanx.com/x/my-workouts
Subscribe to this channel here — bit.ly/2b0coMW

There are so many exercises you can do in your workouts but these 5 in particular are ones you are going to want to swap out right away. In this video, I’m going to show you the five most popular exercises that deserve to be replaced with alternatives that are not just more effective but safer in the process.

The first of these exercises is the lat pulldown. While this is a great exercise for building the lats it just isn’t the most functional or powerful movement you can do if you want to train like an athlete. The same can be said for the king of the bodyweight exercises, the pullup. The pullup has your body suspended off the bar hanging freely. There is no grounding of the feet and therefore no power transfer up the kinetic chain. With the one arm cable pulldown however, all is improved. You are not only standing up but you’re letting the abs and lats work together as they prefer to while getting a much better stretch on the lat muscles on every rep.

Next up is the seated dumbbell shoulder press. Once again, you lose a big amount of athleticism the second you sit on the bench to perform this exercise. Beyond that, you are driving your back into the pad and disrupting the normal scapular rotation that should occur when you lift your arm above your head. The easy swap here is to perform this exercise standing. Even better, clean the dumbbells off the floor at the start of every set for an even more functional exercise without compromising the growth of your shoulders.

Next is the back squat. In no way is the back squat a bad exercise. The problem with it however is that it can hide a lot of mobility and flexibility restrictions that could make performing it long term an unwise idea. Instead, if you swap to the front squat you will see very quickly what areas and restrictions you have that need to be fixed. Maybe your thoracic extension is limited. Maybe your ankles lack mobility. Whatever the issue you will want to reveal it with the front squat and then fix it before returning to back squatting.

Next is the upright row. This is a flat out terrible exercise for your shoulders. While some may like the benefits it provides the delts in terms of growth there is no debating the punishment it places on your shoulder joint over time. There is a quick and easy fix however and that is to swap it out with the dumbbell high pull exercise shown in this video. The act of externally rotating the shoulder rather than internally rotating it is enough to turn this exercise from bad to good quickly.

The dumbbell fly is another potential long term shoulder killer by artificially stressing the anterior shoulder capsule under an insecure load. On top of that, it’s again a non functional pressing exercise since it removes a good deal of the cooperation from the rest of your body by having you lay down on a bench. Stand up and perform the 3D crossover instead. You will still get the horizontal adduction of the arm that the fly is known for while protecting the shoulder joint and getting muscles to work together that prefer to in the first place.

The concentration curl is an added bonus. Once again, training your biceps is always going to involve some version of a curl. That is what your elbow joint does. That said, this is the worst one you can do. There is absolutely no functional carryover at all. Stand up and curl those dumbbells together at the same time. This will require the entire core to work harder than if you were to curl one dumbbell at a time.

These 5 exercise swaps are just the beginning of what it means to train like an athlete. If you want a complete program to get you training, and gaining, like an athlete right away then head to athleanx.com and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System. I

For more videos on the 5 worst exercises that you need to stop doing as well as the best exercises for building muscle be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at youtube.com/user/jdcav24

5 Dumbest Forms of Cardio (DON’T LOOK STUPID!)

Pick your program here — athleanx.com/x/my-workouts
Subscribe to this channel here — bit.ly/2b0coMW

Cardio is one of the most common things people train in the gym. That said, there are many dumb forms of cardio workouts that you should avoid if you not only want to see your best results but stay safe when doing it. In this video, I cover the 5 worst forms of cardio and show you how to make each of them better.

Battle ropes are a new way to get in your conditioning and cardiovascular training, but only if you do them right. They aren’t called battle ropes for no reason. If you want to get the most out of this workout tool you are going to have to go to battle with the ropes. In other words, you need to attack the workout with a super high intensity level. It is ok if you wind up cutting down the amount of time you spend swinging the ropes if the trade off is that you are working harder. Work harder for a shorter period of time and you will see more efficient results from your workouts.

Treadmills, bikes and ellipticals are three common forms of cardio that get used every single day in the gym. Their popularity should not be confused with them being the best thing you can do however. In fact, the postural mistakes that are not only encouraged but somehow possible on these machines makes them a very poor alternative to the equivalent activity that you could be doing outside. Not just that, but nobody would ever argue that walking on a stair climber is somehow harder than walking real flights of stairs. Get outside and away from the machines and you will see a more effective carryover in your training.

Tabata is also a very popular form of cardio. The problem here is twofold. The exercise selection for using your Tabata as well as the fact that you need to train at a much higher intensity during your interval is key to the success as it was originally designed. The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of activity followed by 10 seconds of rest. You repeat this for a total of 8 rounds or 4 minutes. The key however is that your high activity levels must be near your max heart rate. If you choose an exercise that is either too easy or takes too long to ramp up and down from, you will be costing yourself the major benefit of the cardio protocol.

The same can be said for poorly designed HIIT training. If your idea of HIIT is that you perform a max effort lift with a conditioning exercise interspersed, you are going to wind up either hurting yourself or at the very least getting submaximal results for both of the goals you are training for. Instead, focus either on strength training or cardio but don’t try to do both in the same workout. Again, this is a very popular way to train these days but popularity does not mean safe or beneficial.

Finally, jogging is a very common form of cardio. The issue with jogging is that it is smack dab in the middle of sprinting and walking, and often takes on the worst traits of each. If you are overweight and in need of a good cardio workout, a slow long duration walk would be good for keeping it easy on your joints while still allowing enough time to burn sufficient calories at a lower energy output. Sprinting is a bit harder on the joints but can really ramp up the effort and get you a better workout faster. Jogging has the impact of running but is usually not long enough to sustain the benefits of the walking.

Whatever you are doing to get in your cardio, remember there are ways to train to burn fat that can be efficient and safe. The ATHLEAN-X Training Systems are designed to get you ripped without sacrificing either the health of your joints or your hard earned muscle. If you are looking to train like an athlete, you can get started today by choosing the program best suited to your goals on our site.

In the meantime, if you want more fat burning workouts and cardio to burn fat without losing muscle, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at youtube.com/user/jdcav24