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В этом видео, я пришёл в музыкальные школы на пробные занятия, а Боря на ухо диктовал мне различные задания, которые я старался выполнить. А в конце как всегда вжариваю :) Лучшие реакции собраны в этом видео. Приятного просмотра!
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Станислав Линдовер, Андрей Скоромный, Денис Гусев, Сергей Миронов, Дмитрий Яшанькин и Виктор Симкин в новом выпуске шоу «Фитнес-тема», которая посвящена оптимальной длительности тренировки.
Мы продолжаем цикл видео «Фитнес-тема», где отвечаем на самые популярные вопросы о фитнесе и здоровом образе жизни. Каждый выпуск «Фитнес-темы» — это актуальный вопрос и ответы от лучших спортсменов России.
Сегодня мы поговорим о продолжительности тренировки, сколько нужно тренироваться по времени и что происходит с нашими мышцами если мы тренируемся больше часа. Должна ли тренировка укладываться в 45 минут или можно тренироваться дольше? А что будет если тренироваться по 2 часа? …. мышцы останутся на месте …?
Arnold Schwarzenegger had 6 favorite exercises that he attributed the majority of his muscle growth and massive gains to. In this video, I’m going to show you these “golden six” exercises, as he referred to them, and give you alternatives where necessary in case you cannot perform these for some reason or that an alternative is a biomechanical improvement over the original.
We are blending old school effort and the training strategies of the classic bodybuilders with new school science of strength training to give you the best exercises for mass and the fastest way to build muscle naturally.
We start with the classic barbell bench press. Arnold did a variation of this popular chest exercise where you took an extra wide grip on the barbell. He felt that by taking a wider grip that he could better stimulate the pecs by minimizing the contribution of the triceps. As a result, his weights that he lifted here were a little bit on the lighter side but the overall pec activation was greater.
That said, this position can be quite difficult for anyone that has shoulder pain or rotator cuff issues. The modification would not be to stop bench pressing all together but to take a more narrow grip instead. Two things happen when you do. Firstly, the shoulder will have an easier time getting through the full range of motion without getting painful and secondly the more narrow position is a better position to press from. You will have a stronger bench press if you push from this modified grip rather than the wide.
Next up was the behind the neck shoulder press. I have been very vocal speaking out against the use of this exercise. Very few people have the shoulder mobility required to perform this exercise as Arnold did. That said, it isn’t even necessary since you can get all of the muscle mass benefits of the move by simply pressing the bar from the front. If you would like, you can also use a dumbbell shoulder press instead.
Arnold’s third favorite exercise for building muscle and making massive gains is the chin up. In fact, this amazing pulling exercise was done both as an overhand grip pull-up and an underhand grip chin up. Surprisingly, Arnold and Franco Columbu used to perform these as a bodyweight only exercise, knocking out 50 reps before starting their workout. I tend to think that there is a great potential to make back and biceps workout gains by weighting this exercise.
Throw a plate or two around your waist and start performing this as a lower rep exercise and new back and arm gains will await you.
The fourth exercise of Arnold Schwarzenegger for building huge biceps was the classic barbell curl. There is nothing better than an overloaded curl for getting huge arms. Here, if I was going to make a suggestion however I would say to not always use the momentum gained from using heavier weights and make sure to include some strict curls as well. My favorite way to perform them is with my back against the wall and then step away for some cheat curls after reaching failure.
The sixth exercise is a surprise to many, as it was a devoted ab exercise — the situp. There is nothing wrong with this movement for your spine health provided you do it safely. The two most important things you can do is remember to paint your spine down to the ground on every rep by posteriorly rotating your pelvis and not anchoring your feet under something when you do it if you have back pain. Anchoring your feet over something will instead engage the hamstrings which will take some of the load off of the psoas and the strain off the low back.
Performing weighted sit-ups will also help to bring down the overall volume of the exercise needed to create the overload required to stimulate change.
Finally, you can’t talk about the golden six exercises without mentioning the squat. Arnold believed that the squats were the king of all lower body exercises. Load them up heavy and use them to build massive legs. If you can’t perform them due to knee pain, be sure to try the other classic leg exercise done with a barbell, the reverse barbell lunge.
The bottom line is, if you want to build a body like Arnold Schwarzenegger, you would be best advised to stick to the favorite exercises of his that he credits all of his mass building to. Try these 6 muscle building exercises and see for yourself first hand. If you’re looking for a step by step program that builds these movements in over a 4 month program to help you build a massive chest, biceps, legs, back and more be sure to head to athleanx.com via the link below and check out the Old School Iron program.
For more videos on Arnold Schwarzenegger’s workout routine and the best exercises for mass, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube and remember to turn on your notifications so you never miss a new video when it’s published.
The bench press is one of the most classic powerlifting lifts you can add to your chest workout. That said, it is one of the most complex simply because there are so many places in the lift that you can go wrong. In this video, I created a check list to give your helpful reference for each of the most important places in the lift that you will want to get right so you can increase your gains and keep your joints safe in the process.
As a physical therapist, one of my biggest concerns will always be the long term safety of a movement as well as the risk to reward ratio of performing the lift. In the case of the bench press, this is one of the most fundamental power moves that all athletes and novice lifters should master. There are plenty of things that can go wrong however, and the joints like the shoulders, wrists, elbows and even your back can become vulnerable if you don’t get it right.
The first thing you need to note is where you are going to be doing the bench press in the first place. Ideally, you’ll have access to a power rack that you can set up a bench in and have the appropriate pins in place to catch the bar should you fail. If doing it here, you will also want to put the clips on the ends of the bar for added safety. If you are training at home however, the clips might be best left off the bar just in case you get stuck under the bar and need a way to dump the weights to get out from under it.
Next the alignment of the bar in the rack and the bench on the bar is crucial to setting up a good lift. Simple enough, but make sure that everything is centered before laying back on the bench. Next look up at the bar and ensure that your eyes are at the same height as the bar itself. This will set you up for a good liftoff from the rack. Along the same lines, you want to be sure that your bar holders are not too high or too low. If you arms are fully extended as you reach up for the bar then you are set too high and will have no leverage when it comes to lifting the bar out of its resting position.
Next focus on the position of your feet and your chest before initiating the liftoff. Your feet need to be under your knees in order to be able to contract the glutes during the movement and add to your pushing power on the bench press. If they are too far out in front of you, much of your pushing power will be lost before you even begin.
Likewise your chest must be arched. This establishes a stable base of your shoulder blades pushing down and into the bench, which will act as a counterforce for the bar as you press it in the opposite direction. Lift the bar and tighten the abs as you lower it down to the chest. The bar path is crtiical. Make sure it is traveling down and forward and not just straight down. This will be more easily accomplished by keeping your elbows tucked closer to your sides, about 75 degrees away.
At the end of your set, fully straighten the elbows and then slowly allow the bar to travel backwards towards the catches. From here, lower the bar once it has engaged the rack and you’re done. A perfectly executed bench press set. Let the chest gains begin, and let the healthy shoulders and joints continue!
If you are looking for a complete training system that puts the science back in strength to help you get the most out of every lift while keeping the latest in sports medicine at the forefront of your workouts to ensure your gym longevity, head to athleanx.com and get your ATHLEAN-X Training System. Start training like an athlete so you can look like an athlete in the next 90 days and beyond.
For more chest workouts and videos on how to do the bench press and the best bench press for your upper chest, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at youtube.com/user/jdcav24
Cardio is one of the most common things people train in the gym. That said, there are many dumb forms of cardio workouts that you should avoid if you not only want to see your best results but stay safe when doing it. In this video, I cover the 5 worst forms of cardio and show you how to make each of them better.
Battle ropes are a new way to get in your conditioning and cardiovascular training, but only if you do them right. They aren’t called battle ropes for no reason. If you want to get the most out of this workout tool you are going to have to go to battle with the ropes. In other words, you need to attack the workout with a super high intensity level. It is ok if you wind up cutting down the amount of time you spend swinging the ropes if the trade off is that you are working harder. Work harder for a shorter period of time and you will see more efficient results from your workouts.
Treadmills, bikes and ellipticals are three common forms of cardio that get used every single day in the gym. Their popularity should not be confused with them being the best thing you can do however. In fact, the postural mistakes that are not only encouraged but somehow possible on these machines makes them a very poor alternative to the equivalent activity that you could be doing outside. Not just that, but nobody would ever argue that walking on a stair climber is somehow harder than walking real flights of stairs. Get outside and away from the machines and you will see a more effective carryover in your training.
Tabata is also a very popular form of cardio. The problem here is twofold. The exercise selection for using your Tabata as well as the fact that you need to train at a much higher intensity during your interval is key to the success as it was originally designed. The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of activity followed by 10 seconds of rest. You repeat this for a total of 8 rounds or 4 minutes. The key however is that your high activity levels must be near your max heart rate. If you choose an exercise that is either too easy or takes too long to ramp up and down from, you will be costing yourself the major benefit of the cardio protocol.
The same can be said for poorly designed HIIT training. If your idea of HIIT is that you perform a max effort lift with a conditioning exercise interspersed, you are going to wind up either hurting yourself or at the very least getting submaximal results for both of the goals you are training for. Instead, focus either on strength training or cardio but don’t try to do both in the same workout. Again, this is a very popular way to train these days but popularity does not mean safe or beneficial.
Finally, jogging is a very common form of cardio. The issue with jogging is that it is smack dab in the middle of sprinting and walking, and often takes on the worst traits of each. If you are overweight and in need of a good cardio workout, a slow long duration walk would be good for keeping it easy on your joints while still allowing enough time to burn sufficient calories at a lower energy output. Sprinting is a bit harder on the joints but can really ramp up the effort and get you a better workout faster. Jogging has the impact of running but is usually not long enough to sustain the benefits of the walking.
Whatever you are doing to get in your cardio, remember there are ways to train to burn fat that can be efficient and safe. The ATHLEAN-X Training Systems are designed to get you ripped without sacrificing either the health of your joints or your hard earned muscle. If you are looking to train like an athlete, you can get started today by choosing the program best suited to your goals on our site.
In the meantime, if you want more fat burning workouts and cardio to burn fat without losing muscle, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at youtube.com/user/jdcav24
Сайт — athleanx.com
Оригинальный канал — youtube.com/athleanx
Оригинальное видео — youtu.be/g0ApjxLAfNA
Автор — Джефф Кавальер
— Если хочешь поддержать проект, переходи сюда — www.donationalerts.com/r/sciapp
— Вы знаете что вы на много сильнее, чем вы думаете? Просто избавившись от ликов энергии, через которые рассеивается сила, вы станите на много сильнее, потому что сможете использовать и направлять всю силу эффективно.
Сегодня мы рассмотрим почему они появляются и как это исправить.
Сайт — athleanx.com
Оригинальный канал — youtube.com/athleanx
Оригинальное видео — youtu.be/aMl-lNOKAEI
Автор — Джефф Кавальер
— Если хочешь поддержать проект, переходи сюда — www.donationalerts.com/r/sciapp
— Зачастую мы выполняем разные упражнения чтоб проработать разные головки трицепса — французский жим для длинной головки, разгибания в блоке с канатами для латеральной, про медиальную часто вообще не думаем — не видно — не проблема.
Пора включить все в одной упражнение и проработать трицепс как следует!
Сайт — athleanx.com
Оригинальный канал — youtube.com/athleanx
Оригинальное видео — youtu.be/wLAerhu77ws
Автор — Джефф Кавальер
— Если хочешь поддержать проект, переходи сюда — www.donationalerts.com/r/sciapp
— Многие из вас делают растяжку, но не многие знают какой тип растяжки — а это важно. Но что более важно, если вы делаете растяжку в неправильное время, то вы вредите своей тренировке и своему организму.
Сегодня мы поговорим о том, когда ее делать — перед тренировкой, во время тренировки, или после тренировки, и разберем чем отличается статическая растяжка от динамической.
2. Мультивитамин:
— можно во всех возрастных группах
3. Отдельные витамины
— до 14 лет — по индивидуальной потребности
— с 14 лет — можно подбирать то, чего не хватает с рациона
4. Предтрен, протеин, бца, креатин:
— до 14 — нет
— с 14 до 20 — если профессионально занимаешься спортом, то можно
— с 20 — по индивидуальной потребности и если помогает
5. Формула восстановления суставов:
— до 14 — нет
— с 14 до 20 — если профессионально занимаешься спортом, то можно
— с 20 — нужно
6. Омега-3:
— до 14 — нет
— с 14 до 20 — если профессионально занимаешься спортом, то можно
— с 20 — стоит принимать