
Становая тяга и гиперэкстензия. Станислав Линдовер

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Тестостерон и мышечная гипертрофия:




ПЛЕЧИ: Хрусты, Боль и Травмы! Как избежать? Линдовер и Глазков

Rocket Nutrition от Мышцы РФ — rocketnutrition.ru

Продолжаем серию видео «Профилактика травм» со Станиславом Линдовер и доктором Глазковым. В этот раз речь пойдёт о такой травмопасной мышечной группе как плечи.

В видео будут рассмотрены наиболее травмопасные упражнения на плечи, будет рассказана аноматомия данной мышечной группы и показана гимнастика, которая сможет уберечь от травм.

Как сберечь КОЛЕНИ? О чём говорит ХРУСТ? Линдовер и Глазков

Спортивное питание: rocketnutrition.ru

Выполняете жим ногами и приседания? Приседаете глубоко? Узнайте, как обезопасить колени, чтобы не страдать в старости!

В этом видео Станислав Линдовер и врач ортопед Юрий Глазков поговорят о коленном суставе, ответят на часто задаваемые вопросы подписчиков о болях и хрустах, а так же разберут такие упражнения как жим ногами и приседания.

Юрий Глазков ВК: vk.com/iddoktor.po__sustavam
Станислав Линдовер ВК: vk.com/id12712379

На канале Мышцы.рф вы увидите разнообразные фитнес видео и бесплатные программы тренировок по фитнесу и бодибилдингу. Опытные тренера нашего канала покажут правильную технику выполнения упражнений, дадут советы по набору мышечной массы, а так же снижению лишнего веса.

Как быстро СДУЮТСЯ мышцы? Линдовер, Миронов, Гусев

Спортивное питание от Мышцы.рф — rocketnutrition.ru

Многие люди, которые начинают заниматься фитнесом и бодибилдингом задаются вопросом: наращу я мышечную массу, а что с ней будет, когда я перестану заниматься – она превратиться в жир или просто бесследно исчезнет в течение месяца?

Другими словами, как быстро уйдёт мышечная массы и во что она превратиться, если какое-то время не заниматься?

На этот непростой вопрос мы попросили ответить наших экспертов, лучших фитнес-методистов России: Станислав Линдовер, Денис Гусев, Сергей Миронов, Александр Назаренко и Павел Баранов.

Все Фитнес-Темы: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL07t1kLoEfH-hZwW11AoUYrfzTzCQLMke

Что же ест Станислав Линдовер???

В этот раз я, Михаил Прыгунов, провел целый день вместе со Станиславом Линдовером для того, чтобы узнать, наконец, что же он ест!
Подписка на канал: bit.ly/mishaprygunov
Зал, где я работаю Nova Arena Fitness: vk.com/nafitness
За персональными тренировками: vk.com/mishaprygunov
Instagram: mishaprygunov

Тренироваться дольше 45 минут? Вредно? Линдовер, Скоромный, Миронов

Мышцы.рф рекомендует Rocket Nutrition — rocketnutrition.ru

Станислав Линдовер, Андрей Скоромный, Денис Гусев, Сергей Миронов, Дмитрий Яшанькин и Виктор Симкин в новом выпуске шоу «Фитнес-тема», которая посвящена оптимальной длительности тренировки.

Все Фитнес-темы: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL07t1kLoEfH-hZwW11AoUYrfzTzCQLMke

Подписка на канал: goo.gl/pZ8OG
Наша группа ВК: vk.com/musclerussia

Мы продолжаем цикл видео «Фитнес-тема», где отвечаем на самые популярные вопросы о фитнесе и здоровом образе жизни. Каждый выпуск «Фитнес-темы» — это актуальный вопрос и ответы от лучших спортсменов России.

Сегодня мы поговорим о продолжительности тренировки, сколько нужно тренироваться по времени и что происходит с нашими мышцами если мы тренируемся больше часа. Должна ли тренировка укладываться в 45 минут или можно тренироваться дольше? А что будет если тренироваться по 2 часа? …. мышцы останутся на месте …?

Stop Doing These 11 Exercises (DO THESE INSTEAD!)

Nobody wants to waste their time doing exercises that don’t work. That said, even good exercises can become bad ones when they are performed incorrectly. However, certain movements deserve the title of the «worst exercise ever» simply because of their low reward, high risk nature. In this video, I’ll show you 11 of the worst exercises for building muscle and what you can do instead.

As a physical therapist and strength coach for professional athletes and celebrities, I have to know where the risks outweigh the rewards. If you know the science of training there are always other ways to get the desired result without jeopardizing the health and safety of your athletes.

So, without further adieu here a few of the 11 worst exercises we cover in the video:

1. Chest flies — Ive covered before but I can’t say it enough. People swear they feel an amazing stretch on their pecs by doing this exercise. They also claim that the adduction at the end of the movement gives them an incredible contraction. Both of these are actually exaggerated as the resistance of adduction is absent at the top of the movement and the stretch being felt is actually more on a secondary muscle than it is on the pec. Floor flys and standing crossovers are much better options for reasons explained in the video.

2. The Behind the neck press — The problem with this exercise is that it is just plain bad for your shoulders. It places the glenohumeral joint in an awkward position for pressing, which can lead to impingement. Pressing from the natural scapular plane is much more natural and will allow you to press more weight overhead in the long run, leading to bigger shoulders.

3. Upright Rows — I’ve gone on extensively about the problem with this exercise. It is possible one of the worst things you can do due to the position of the elbows and hands at the end of the movement. The exercise puts your shoulders into a provocative position for testing impingement. Instead, you want your elbows below your hands (as in the high pull) to still get the benefits of the abduction of the shoulders without the internal rotation.

4. Concentration Curls — You may be wondering how this ended up in the graveyard. Sure the concentration curl isn’t dangerous but it surely isn’t the best tool for job. To understand why, we need to look closer at the movement. Pushing the elbow into the thigh while curling the weight up is only using leverage to get the weight to the top rather than pure muscular force. Normally, leverage is not a bad thing but when you are doing it in close proximity to the muscles that you are trying to work (and with a muscle group that is often overactive during the curl in the first place) you are taking away from the effectiveness of the movement. For a more effective biceps builder you should look to the standard barbell curl. People ask “how did you get such big biceps?’ The answer is right here, by doing effective exercises like the barbell curl and by avoiding things like concentration curls!

5. Leg Extensions — This is a no brainer for me. This open chain leg exercise lacks any true function when compared to the numerous closed chain options you can be doing instead. Throw in the compressive stresses on the kneecap and lack of hamstring co-contraction, and youve got a recipe for disaster.

These are just a few of the worst exercises covered in this video. Make sure to watch the whole thing to see how things like the popular rack pull above the knee, cuban press and even the tried and true dumbbell side bend earned the title of something you should avoid. As always, I’m putting the science back in strength to show you not just why these should get nixed from your workout but which exercises should take their place.

As you can see there’s a lot of though that goes into tossing an exercise in the iron graveyard. When your health and safety matters the stakes are high especially for people training in and over their 30’s and into their 40’s. If you want to make gains and stay safe be sure and keep the 11 exercises covered in this video where they belong… in the iron graveyard!

For safer (and better) exercise options its time you start training like an athlete. Follow the program used by todays top pro athletes and celebrities to build ripped athletic muscle while protecting their joints and becoming more resilient to injury. Get the ATHLEAN-X program at athleanx.com by clicking on the link below.

For more videos and tips to help you avoid the worst exercises and to get the best exercises for building a ripped athletic body, be sure to subscribe to our channel on youtube at the link below and remember to turn on your notifications so you never miss a new video when it’s published.

Get Jacked in 90 Days — athleanx.com/x/my-workouts
Subscribe to this channel here — youtube.com/user/jdcav24

How to Perform Reps for Most Muscle Growth

Should you be lifting heavy weights as fast as possible or light weights with a slow controlled tension if you want maximum muscle growth? In this video, I’m going to show you the best way to perform your reps if you want to build muscle and create muscle hypertrophy from your workouts. I’m going to break out the science and show you four examples head to head so you can make sure you don’t waste any more time in the gym using methods that are inferior.

There are many different ways that you can lift a weight. Often times, it doesn’t matter which exercise you perform since the principles apply to them all. The more important question you should be asking yourself is what your training goal is at the moment. For instance, if you are training for strength then your goal with every exercise should be to make it as efficient as possible. On a bench press for example, you would want to be sure that you are pressing the bar with good speed along an optimal bar path with all muscles contributing to the lift.

If on the other hand you were trying to use the bench press as a hypertrophy exercise for the chest in particular, you would want to find a way to lessen the contribution of the triceps and shoulders and more favorably press with the chest. In addition, you would want to make the movement more inefficient by spending more time on the negative of each rep as well as holding and squeezing the contraction of the pecs at the top of every rep as much as possible.

If instead you were trying to train for hypertrophy and muscle growth then you would want to apply this concept of movement inefficiency to every exercise you did. In this video, I use the lat pulldown taken to failure as an example exercise. Now, here is where you would want to squeeze your elbows down tight into your sides and back behind your body to maximally activate the lats. You would want to think less about using the forearms to curl the bar down towards you or your biceps to pull too much on every rep.

This would create as much tension as you could and direct it to the lats. In order to speed up the hypertrophy of a particular muscle, it is this focused tension that comes in handy to get the job done. That said, you wouldn’t discredit the value of simply taking your 10 rep max on the lift and just performing reps with a movement as a whole focus instead of directing your attention to any one muscle over the other.

This is where you would see the reps start out rather easy and peak at the highest difficulty level towards the final 2-3 reps. If you had opted to go with a slightly lighter weight however and made every single rep much more difficult by focusing tension into the lats and using intensifying techniques like slow negatives and paused reps, you would elicit a greater stimulus for hypertrophy versus just pure strength.

Check out the different variations shown here and see the different effect each has on your ability to build muscle and strength. When you are done watching and are ready to start performing a program where I lay out all the workouts, sets and reps you need to do to build muscle fast, head over to the link below and get the program best suited to your goals.

8 Best Dumbbell Exercises Ever (HIT EVERY MUSCLE!)

Build a ripped athletic body with just a few dumbbells

Dumbbells are definitely one of the best form of workout equipment due to their ability to be used in small spaces and their high degree of athletic carryover. With their three dimensional freedom, dumbbells allow you to workout in all planes of motion and require a great deal of core strength and stability to use them properly. That said, choosing the best dumbbell exercises ever can be quite a challenge since there are so many to choose from. In this video, I picked the 8 best exercises with dumbbells and give you a reason why each has earned its spot.

To begin, lets take a look at the best dumbbell exercises. They are:

Dumbbell Curl and Press
Crush Grip Goblet Squats
Farmers Carries
One Arm DB Incline Bench Press
DB Pullovers
Tripod Dumbbell Rows

Each of these exercises require either just a single dumbbell or two dumbbells. They were chosen given their ability to work multiple muscle groups in one dumbbell only workout. The more muscles you can train in one workout the quicker your training session will be and the more impact you can have on your body in a shorter period of time.

Dumbbell only workouts can be incredibly challenging. In fact, some people think that you can’t effectively train your legs with db’s since you aren’t able to load up the weight high enough. That’s not true at all. You can choose exercises that you load with even 100lb dumbbells and perform on a single leg and you are sure to be pushing yourself to your limits.

The same can be said for dumbbell chest workouts and dumbbell back and arm workouts. The fact that you aren’t using a barbell does not sacrifice the quality or effectiveness of the training session. That said, you cannot continue to lift light dumbbells and think that you are going to get a great enough workout. Even if you are training at home, aim to lift the heaviest dumbbells that you can lift if you want to build muscle in your workouts.

If you are looking for a complete workout program that uses just a few dumbbells, a bench, a pullup bar and a resistance band then head to athleanx.com and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System. By using equipment like dumbbells in your workouts, you’re training your body to move and look like an athlete.

For more dumbbell workouts and exercises you can do with dumbbells for your chest, arms and shoulders be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at youtube.com/user/jdcav24