The Official Bench Press Check List (AVOID MISTAKES!)

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The bench press is one of the most classic powerlifting lifts you can add to your chest workout. That said, it is one of the most complex simply because there are so many places in the lift that you can go wrong. In this video, I created a check list to give your helpful reference for each of the most important places in the lift that you will want to get right so you can increase your gains and keep your joints safe in the process.

As a physical therapist, one of my biggest concerns will always be the long term safety of a movement as well as the risk to reward ratio of performing the lift. In the case of the bench press, this is one of the most fundamental power moves that all athletes and novice lifters should master. There are plenty of things that can go wrong however, and the joints like the shoulders, wrists, elbows and even your back can become vulnerable if you don’t get it right.

The first thing you need to note is where you are going to be doing the bench press in the first place. Ideally, you’ll have access to a power rack that you can set up a bench in and have the appropriate pins in place to catch the bar should you fail. If doing it here, you will also want to put the clips on the ends of the bar for added safety. If you are training at home however, the clips might be best left off the bar just in case you get stuck under the bar and need a way to dump the weights to get out from under it.

Next the alignment of the bar in the rack and the bench on the bar is crucial to setting up a good lift. Simple enough, but make sure that everything is centered before laying back on the bench. Next look up at the bar and ensure that your eyes are at the same height as the bar itself. This will set you up for a good liftoff from the rack. Along the same lines, you want to be sure that your bar holders are not too high or too low. If you arms are fully extended as you reach up for the bar then you are set too high and will have no leverage when it comes to lifting the bar out of its resting position.

Next focus on the position of your feet and your chest before initiating the liftoff. Your feet need to be under your knees in order to be able to contract the glutes during the movement and add to your pushing power on the bench press. If they are too far out in front of you, much of your pushing power will be lost before you even begin.

Likewise your chest must be arched. This establishes a stable base of your shoulder blades pushing down and into the bench, which will act as a counterforce for the bar as you press it in the opposite direction. Lift the bar and tighten the abs as you lower it down to the chest. The bar path is crtiical. Make sure it is traveling down and forward and not just straight down. This will be more easily accomplished by keeping your elbows tucked closer to your sides, about 75 degrees away.

At the end of your set, fully straighten the elbows and then slowly allow the bar to travel backwards towards the catches. From here, lower the bar once it has engaged the rack and you’re done. A perfectly executed bench press set. Let the chest gains begin, and let the healthy shoulders and joints continue!

If you are looking for a complete training system that puts the science back in strength to help you get the most out of every lift while keeping the latest in sports medicine at the forefront of your workouts to ensure your gym longevity, head to and get your ATHLEAN-X Training System. Start training like an athlete so you can look like an athlete in the next 90 days and beyond.

For more chest workouts and videos on how to do the bench press and the best bench press for your upper chest, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

“My Biceps Aren’t Growing” (HERE’S WHY!)

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Have you ever felt that no matter how hard you trained your biceps they just won’t grow. In this video, I’m going to show you the two biggest reasons why I believe your bicep size is not what you want it to be. Between the number of times that you are knowingly and unknowingly training them to the more important concept of hitting them with fewer exercises but more techniques.

First we should talk about the amount of times per week that you are training your biceps. Many people think that more is better however that is not the case, especially in the instance of such a small muscle group. The use of direct biceps training is effective in building bigger arms but you must still include all of the accessory work they get through exercises that bend the elbow (a key function of the biceps).

When you think about all of the back exercises that bend the elbow like barbell rows, pulldowns, pullups, chinups, one armed rows, etc you quickly realize how much extra work that arms are getting even on non bicep days. That doesn’t mean that the volume isn’t still accruing and becoming something that you must consider in your overall ability to recover.

If you are performing a push, pull, legs training split at the moment and performing each of these two times per week then any direct biceps training is going to also wind up adding significant volume to your biceps. The mistake is often to continue to add more and more when you are trying to force a change in muscle size. The right thing to do is to first step back and take away volume and frequency and monitor how your body responds.

Most often, as a natural lifter you will find that dropping this back is exactly what your body needs in order to be able to grow and resume your gains. That said, one of the other big keys to getting bigger biceps (or any other muscle for that matter) is progressive overload. Now this most often comes in the form of adding weight to the exercises that you are doing. Some will also attempt to simply add new exercises as a form of stimulus overload that keeps the gains coming.

In the case of the biceps however, the variety of bicep exercises is extremely limited due to the nature of the elbow joint. Given that this is a hinge joint that functions primarily to flex and extend the elbow, the different variations of bicep exercises often look the same; they are all some form of a curl. Whether it be preacher curls, concentration curls, barbell curls or seated incline dumbbell curls, they are all just bending the elbow.

This is why switching exercises is often not enough of a stimulus to promote new growth. It is here that the switching in of techniques is far more effective. I demonstrate three in particular for you in this video. I show you the In10sity technique for using heavier weights on your curls and getting more high intensity reps completed in a workout. The sliced reps technique for getting more time under tension and peak contraction. And finally, the arc variation technique that allows you to train to and through failure by manipulating the moment arm of the biceps as you fatigue.

All of these techniques and more are built into my Ultimate Arms program available at and are designed to help you build your biggest biceps possible in the shortest amount of time. By training like an athlete and taking your intensity to a whole new level, you will be amazed at the impact this has on your gains.

For more videos on how to get bigger arms and the best exercises for building big biceps, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

My Top 10 WORST Exercises (Maybe Avoid These)

In this video were looking at my 10 least favourite exercises that most people probably shouldnt prioritize in the gym. Well also consider some ways to modify these exercises to make them more effective.

Support Technique Tuesday: I am choosing to leave the entire Technique Tuesday Series COMPLETELY UNSPONSORED so I can focus all of my attention on delivering the relevant information. *Each episode takes ~30-40 hours to write, produce and edit.* If youre learning from these videos every week, consider supporting my work by trying one of my science-based training programs that best suits your goals. ($9.99 — $39.99)

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Finding Ideal Squat Depth Resources:

If youre eager to learn more about proper technique, I recommend subscribing to the 3DMJ Lifting Library:

Filmed at Body and Soul Gym in Kelowna, BC — my favourite 24 hr gym in the Okanagan!

Intro Music:
‣ Ryan Little:

Filmed and edited by Rashaun R and me using Final Cut Pro X and Sony A7R3

Rashauns YouTube:

— About me: Im a Canadian natural pro bodybuilder and internationally-qualified powerlifter with a BSc in biochemistry/chemistry and a passion for science. Ive been training for 12 years drug-free. Im 55 and fluctuate between 160 lbs (lean) and 180 lbs (bulked).

— Disclaimers: Jeff Nippard is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before starting any exercise program. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Jeff Nippard will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death.

The BEST Dumbbell Exercises - SHOULDERS EDITION!

In today’s video we look at the best dumbbell exercises for shoulders. We’re going to focus on several areas of training: from strength, to power as well as hypertrophy and a few others you’d expect.

First up is strength.While I truly believe the barbell overhead press is the best choice there are reasons why you may not be able to perform the exercise. Injury, lack of access to equipment are just a few. Just because we don’t have a barbell doesn’t mean we have to go without getting the benefits of this great movement. In order to get the most out of the dumbbell option, make sure you perform this exercise standing and not in the seated position. The seated overhead dumbbell press interrupts scapular rhythm and provides a ‘cheat’ in the form of added stability from the use of a bench. The strict dumbbell standing press is a great exercise for building strength but don’t be surprised when the added stability challenge requires you to use less weight than what you can on the barbell version.

Our next category is power. For power I love the jammers or viking press. The problem with them is that most people don’t have access to the required equipment. Even many commercial gyms lack the proper tools for these exercises. We can get a similar training effect by performing the dumbbell push press. When performing this move be sure to hinge at the hips and get your legs involved for added power. As always power training should be kept to around 7-8 explosive, crisp reps. This is not a move you want to take to failure.

As we move on to hypertrophy we look to one of the most effective techniques used for achieving muscle growth, eccentric overload. We combo up cheat lateral raises with a more strict version of the lateral raise. Cheat lateral raises allow for eccentric control with the heaviest weight while the more strict version allows you to train not just too failure but through failure which provides increased intensity that will assist with stimulating growth.

Next up is metabolic training. Again, we utilize the concept of training through failure by using the metabolite build up to induce muscular stress. Perform a mechanical drop set going from move to move without stopping. This creates a significant lactic acid build up. The specifics for this can be seen in today’s video.

For a total body movement there was a toss up between the thruster and the power clean over.
Since I like the aspect of going from floor to overhead I chose the latter, plus it’s a little more explosive than the thruster. Short on time? Do a few rounds of the power clean over… it will crush you!

As you’ve come to expect from ATHLEAN-X we always have an eye on injury prevention so I’d be remiss to not include a corrective exercise for shoulders. For our corrective exercise I chose the prone floor press. It has very similar mechanical elements to the face pull and works all the muscles of the inter scapular/posterior upper chain.

Since you can never give enough attention to your rear delts, I also included a great move to target them directly. The rear delt row was a top consideration but for me, the Urlacher ties in the rear delt and rotator cuff. That one, two combo sealed the deal in choosing the final exercise.

Give these exercises a shot whenever you don’t have access to the standard barbell moves or just want to an extra challenge. If you are looking for a complete program that will help you to not only build strong, muscular shoulders but also develop a complete athletic body, be sure to hit the link below and grab one of the ATHLEAN-X Training Systems.

For more videos on training, be sure to subscribe at the link below and turn on your notifications so you never miss a new video when it’s published.

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Stop Doing Dumbbell Rows Like This!

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One armed dumbell rows are one of the most commonly performed exercises in the gym. Given their minimal equipment requirement of just a single dumbbell and an optional bench, they are actually a great exercise for home workouts too since you can do them with your hand supported on a piece of furniture. The problem is, the one armed dumbbell row is also one of the most abused and misperformed exercises which can quickly ruin your back up and down your spine if you don’t fix how you’re doing them. In this video, I’m going to show you how to perform a dumbbell row safely so you can build your muscles without wrecking your back.

The problem with the one armed row starts with the position of your feet during the exercise. If you let your feet get too close to your arm planted on the bench you will be forced to row too high which will take the focus of the exercise away from your lats. Instead, you will build up your upper back with the dumbbell row far more than your lats and lose out on the benefits of the exercise for building a bigger wider back.

To fix this, take a step back with your foot that stays on the ground and slide the knee that is on the bench further back on it. Then, reach forward more with your hand that is supported by the bench. Not only will this help you to put the lat more on stretch and get it involved in the movement more but it will help you to start fixing the second and much more serious problem we commonly see and that is the bad positioning of the thoracic spine.

When you row, either with a dumbbell or standing with a barbell for that matter, you must be able to stick your chest out and get into thoracic extension. If you cannot, then by virtue of the fact that your spine is one continuous unit, will find that your lumbar spine has a harder time getting into the proper position which can leave you at risk for a lower back strain.

The two tips you want to visualize to ensure that you can get your back into the right alignment to perform the row is first you want to raise your butt up towards the ceiling. The second is that you want to stick your chest out as far as you can. If you can do both of these then you will not only get more from the exercise but you will be doing it as it was intended. If you cannot get into this position not all hope is lost. You can actually do the mobility drill I show you here as well as foam roll the thoracic spine prior to your back workout.

The one armed row is not a bad exercise. It just happens to be one of the most common exercises that is performed in the wrong way quite often. If you are knowingly doing this wrong then it will be easy for you to fix this after just watching the correct form. If you are struggling to do it right I would advise you to use the mobility techniques a few times to allow your mobility to improve enough to do the exercise more safely.

In the meantime, if you are looking for a complete training program that will not only train you to make the best muscle gains and fat losses than at any other point in your training without compromising your joints in the process, head to and get one of our ATHLEAN-X Training Programs.

For more videos on how to do bench dips, how to bench press and how to build muscle without ruining your joints, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

5 Dumbest Forms of Cardio (DON’T LOOK STUPID!)

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Cardio is one of the most common things people train in the gym. That said, there are many dumb forms of cardio workouts that you should avoid if you not only want to see your best results but stay safe when doing it. In this video, I cover the 5 worst forms of cardio and show you how to make each of them better.

Battle ropes are a new way to get in your conditioning and cardiovascular training, but only if you do them right. They aren’t called battle ropes for no reason. If you want to get the most out of this workout tool you are going to have to go to battle with the ropes. In other words, you need to attack the workout with a super high intensity level. It is ok if you wind up cutting down the amount of time you spend swinging the ropes if the trade off is that you are working harder. Work harder for a shorter period of time and you will see more efficient results from your workouts.

Treadmills, bikes and ellipticals are three common forms of cardio that get used every single day in the gym. Their popularity should not be confused with them being the best thing you can do however. In fact, the postural mistakes that are not only encouraged but somehow possible on these machines makes them a very poor alternative to the equivalent activity that you could be doing outside. Not just that, but nobody would ever argue that walking on a stair climber is somehow harder than walking real flights of stairs. Get outside and away from the machines and you will see a more effective carryover in your training.

Tabata is also a very popular form of cardio. The problem here is twofold. The exercise selection for using your Tabata as well as the fact that you need to train at a much higher intensity during your interval is key to the success as it was originally designed. The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of activity followed by 10 seconds of rest. You repeat this for a total of 8 rounds or 4 minutes. The key however is that your high activity levels must be near your max heart rate. If you choose an exercise that is either too easy or takes too long to ramp up and down from, you will be costing yourself the major benefit of the cardio protocol.

The same can be said for poorly designed HIIT training. If your idea of HIIT is that you perform a max effort lift with a conditioning exercise interspersed, you are going to wind up either hurting yourself or at the very least getting submaximal results for both of the goals you are training for. Instead, focus either on strength training or cardio but don’t try to do both in the same workout. Again, this is a very popular way to train these days but popularity does not mean safe or beneficial.

Finally, jogging is a very common form of cardio. The issue with jogging is that it is smack dab in the middle of sprinting and walking, and often takes on the worst traits of each. If you are overweight and in need of a good cardio workout, a slow long duration walk would be good for keeping it easy on your joints while still allowing enough time to burn sufficient calories at a lower energy output. Sprinting is a bit harder on the joints but can really ramp up the effort and get you a better workout faster. Jogging has the impact of running but is usually not long enough to sustain the benefits of the walking.

Whatever you are doing to get in your cardio, remember there are ways to train to burn fat that can be efficient and safe. The ATHLEAN-X Training Systems are designed to get you ripped without sacrificing either the health of your joints or your hard earned muscle. If you are looking to train like an athlete, you can get started today by choosing the program best suited to your goals on our site.

In the meantime, if you want more fat burning workouts and cardio to burn fat without losing muscle, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

Stop Doing Face Pulls Like This! (SAVE A FRIEND)

I’ve been saying it for some time now, “You need to do your face pulls!?” and it’s still 100% true!
Face Pulls are one of the best exercises to help offset your poor posture, shoulder dysfunction and a host of other issues you likely face. While the face pull is simple to perform I’ve seen a lot of examples of people doing it incorrectly which will diminish the results you could be getting.

Because of the angle of the movement it’s important to use the proper equipment, I recommend a band or cable machine as the line of resistance can be better controlled. These implements also offer the proper strength curve which is important.

One of the most common errors I’ve seen when performing the face pull is the placement of the anchor point of the band, or the area of origin in the case of a cable machine. In order to properly target our rotator cuff and not turn the movement into a bastardized row or shrug we need to ensure that the anchor is positioned above your head. Often I see people pulling from chin level or even worse, chest height. This positioning puts too much emphasis on the muscles of the upper back almost removing the rotator cuff from the movement.

Another common error is grip. Athletes should use an underhand grip as opposed to overhand. While performing the face pull it’s also important to make sure that you are taking a strong, stable athletic stance and leading with your hands and not your elbows. You never wants to lean backwards as this allows the lower back to contribute. If you find yourself doing this fault it’s likely because you’re making another common error… using too much weight.

The weight you use on the face pull should be enough to get meaningful contractions in the target muscles for building strength but not so much weight that you need extra momentum or backward lean in order to move the weight. This is NOT a power move or an opportunity to demonstrate your strength.

If you’re finding it hard to put your hands first, check out the video for a great tip you can perform from the floor to ensure you’re doing it right.

Once you’ve mastered the basic face pull you can start implementing some modifications to help make the exercise even better. One of my favorite modifications is to perform the hands up (think over head pressing movement) at the end of the pull. Performing your face pulls this way engages all the muscles we want but also brings the lower traps into the mix to get them some much needed attention.

Wether you’re going to perform the standard face pull or a modified version it’s important to do them correctly so you can get the results you want.

if you’ve been following me on YouTube I don’t need to tell you when to perform this exercises…the answer is simple….everyday. That’s correct. The face pull is so important and gives attention to such under used muscles that you can perform it every single day.

While there are no magic bullets in the pursuit of fitness and athleticism the face pull is as close to one as we’re going to get. People who properly perform the movement have reported improved posture, elimination of neck, back and shoulder pain as well as a reduction in chronic headaches. Wether you’re training for size, strength or to look good on the beach you always want to stay healthy so throw in some face pulls at the end of your workout.

For a complete training program that not only trains you with the right accessory exercises to take your gains to another level faster, be sure to click on the link below to head to where you can start training like an athlete today.

For more videos on everything from strength and building muscle to fat loss and pain relief, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube via the link below and turn on your notifications so you never miss a new video when it’s published.

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Перетрен Реален? Как Тренироваться Достаточно, Но Не Перетренировываться | Джефф Кавальер

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Автор — Джефф Кавальер
— Если хочешь поддержать проект, переходи сюда —
— Существует ли перетрен? Как проявляется перетренированность? Почему некоторые говорят что перетрена не существует? Как убедиться, что ты тренируешься достаточно, но не чересчур много, убивая свои результаты?
Сегодня мы ответим вам на эти вопросы.

Тренер — Джефф Кавальер

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— Упражнение На Весь Трицепс — Длинная, Латеральная и Медиальная Головки Вместе
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— Верх Грудных. Можно Ли В Реальности Изолировать Разные Зоны Грудных Мышц?
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— Широкая V-образная Спина
— Новое Упражнение — Бицепс и Трицепс Одним Движением
— Составляем Лучшее Упражнение На Верх Грудных
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— 7 Грехов Тренировки Трицепса
— Где Вы Теряете Силу
— #sciapp#науказаспортом#атлетизм

9 Функций Пресса, В Которых Нужно Работать, Если Хотите Полноценно Развитый Пресс | Джефф Кавальер

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Автор — Джефф Кавальер
— Если хочешь поддержать проект, переходи сюда —
— Многие из вас тренируют пресс только в 2-3 функциях, что не достаточно, если вы хотите накачать пресс быстрее и более полноценно. Если учесть то, что функций пресса 9, то вы явно выполняете около 30% возможного.

Тренер — Джефф Кавальер

Рекомендуем видео:
— Мертвая Тяга и Становая Тяга — Чем Опасны и Стоит Ли Избегать
— Тяга Штанги К Подбородку — Чем Опасна и Чем Заменить
— Косые Мышцы. Как Добиться V-образной Формы и Визуально Узкой Талии
— Трапеция как у Тома Харди
— 5 Грехов Тренировки Спины
— 7 Грехов Тренировки Трицепса
— Где Вы Теряете Силу
— #sciapp#науказаспортом#атлетизм